Entrance to Church

Our Lady of Lourde Catholic Church


The journey to become a Capuchin brother is quite a ride! To discover in oneself the breath of God, the call to live, as our Rule states: The Rule and life of the Minor Brothers is this, namely, to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, by living in obedience, without property and in chastity, to live by the Gospel, entails imagination, humility, confident prayer in the Lord, studies, and, among other things, years, many years of Initial Formation.

The Initial Formation of the Capuchin friars consists of 3 stages: Postulancy, Noviciate and Post-noviciate, where in a gradual succession the candidate matures his vocation to this way of life. Check this video, in Spanish, to get some flavor of the last stage, the Post-noviciate. Or you may go to www.capuchinos.org/ingles1/ our web page in English and find out about the life and charism of the brothers. Also, if you would like to support any of these young friars, please talk to me.

Thanks for your help and prayer! Pax et Bonum. Luis Gerardo, Capuchin.